It all started with a white rose. In Germany in the 1940s, a group of young activists created a Nazi resistance group, the White Rose. This movement from decades ago is our inspiration today as we still face increasing antisemitism across the world. 

A group of friends and university students were the initial members of the White Rose, focusing on educating their peers on the problems with Nazism in their community and building a network to disseminate information and stand up against hatred and tyranny.

The same hatred of the Jewish people found under Nazi Germany manifests itself today. Just as the White Rose was a group of friends and young leaders who focused on educating against the injustices of their day, Generation Zion is a network of friends committed to unapologetically fighting antisemitism and standing up for Israel. 

Our History


To nurture a strong, enduring partnership between Christians and Jews, united in their dedication to Israel's prosperity and peace. 

Meet Luke Moon! With a decade at The Philos Project and adventures in 45+ countries, he's a global change-maker. Luke's an ordained minister with a BA in Biblical Studies and an MA in Global Politics. He's all about fighting antisemitism and supporting Israel!

FOUNDER & President


meet the team


director of outreach


Meet Hannah Garces, New Jersey native with a BA from Rutgers and an MA from Hebrew University. Passionate about Israel since college, she’s spent six years with StandWithUs. Now, she's here to fight antisemitism and support Israel.

director of strategy


isaiah 2:3

Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.